Service Management to Service Excellence - TOPdesk Blog

7 life hacks for your service desk

Written by Leo Kranenburg | March 25, 2021 at 7:00 AM

We know life at the service desk can get tricky at times. With so many incoming requests, it can make you feel like pulling your hair out.  

IT professionals crave easy fixes and solutions to problems. Thats why we want to make your life easier with a few simple life hacks. These hacks will leave you feeling at ease and accomplished! 

1. Rumbling stomach?

Is your inner beast growling? Pushing your stomach out will put that rumbling to rest.

There might be some restlessness at your service desk too, with people being swamped, skipping lunch, and not knowing what task to pick up first. If your service desk is constantly overrun with new incidents and you’re always lagging behind, it’s time to start looking at problem management. Problem management is about looking at the root causes of incidents and trying to prevent them before they occur. Bye firefighting, hello lunch!

Use these 10 practical tips to get started with problem management

2. Feeling down?

Feeling stressed? Greenify your desk! Creating an indoor jungle could help improve office atmosphere.

If the mood at your service desk is down, it’s time to raise morale. But how do you raise everyone’s spirits? Turn those frowns upside down with the secret to happy service desk employees. And focus on establishing a successful work culture at the service desk through motivation, purpose, agreement, and behavior.

Find out more about the importance of organizational culture in this blog

3. Nervous?

Nervous for a big meeting? Blowing on your thumb helps you regain your cool.

When your service desk is swamped with tickets, service desk stress is at an all-time high. Ready to say goodbye to service desk stress forever? With the 5 top tips in this blog, you’ll have no reason to get nervous.

4. Charger broken?

Now is the time to get picky. Pick at your charger with a toothpick first to see if it’s just pocket lint clogging up your charger port.

Save valuable tips such as these in a knowledge item so they don't go to waste. Implementing Knowledge Centered Service (KCS) makes processing recurring calls much faster. In our experience, implementing KCS reduces the time spent resolving a call by 20% within 2 to 4 months.

Calculate how much time knowledge management will save with our Return on Investment (ROI) calculator

5. Need a reboot?

Are you suffering from low energy? Reboot your brain with something you’re passionate about – like playing the tuba! Or painting or listening to some music.

Service desk bore outs are a real thing. Are your afternoons filled with constant yawning? Do you lack motivation? If you implement service desk automation, you’ll only have to focus on the challenging tickets. By leveraging Artificial Intelligence, service desk employees can spend their time doing what they do best: using their expertise to resolve complex calls. Bye afternoon funk!

Read more about the benefits of service desk automation in this blog

6. Headache?

Do you have a headache from looking at screens too much? Looking away 20 feet for 20 seconds every 20 minutes will calm your eyes.

Don’t worry if you sometimes lose track of who’s doing what at your service desk. Try incident management: it gives you instant 20/20 vision. It also improves efficiency and productivity, provides visibility and transparency, and leads to a higher level of service quality. What’s not to love?

Find out why incident management is essential for your service desk

7. Lost your focus?

Need to make a tough decision? Painting your office yellow or adding yellow decorations around your space will help you think clearly.

If you’re struggling to solve a challenging ticket, try swarming! With this collaboration-based support model, you retain ownership of the ticket but still get help from your co-workers, who “swarm” around the problem with you until the ticket is resolved.

Discover how to implement swarming at your service desk

Get started with self-service

The life hacks above will make life at the service desk much easier. But making your customers more self-reliant will save even more time and energy. Want to cut costs and improve the efficiency of your service desk, all at the same time? Choose self-service! Download our self-service e-book to find out how to set up – and promote – your very own self-service portal.